March 7, 2024

UK Spring Budget 2024 Update

With a general election around the corner, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt stepped up to the dispatch box this week to deliver a ‘budget for long-term growth’.

With a general election around the corner, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt stepped up to the dispatch box this week to deliver a ‘budget for long-term growth’.

Now the dust has settled and having combed through the fine print, our team has compiled the key takeaways for investors from the Spring Budget 2024.

Non-Dom’s No More

Much of the headlines and press coverage has focused on how the UK’s non-dom tax status will be abolished with a simplification of the rules introduced meaning those with the ‘broader shoulders’ will pay more tax.

The move, which stands to raise £2.7bn affects people who live in the UK but for tax purposes are classed as living elsewhere.

National Insurance Cut

Following the 2p cut announced in the Autumn, Hunt confirmed an additional 2p cut will take the National Insurance rate down to 8% from April. He also stated his long-term ambition is to cut this again when possible. Meanwhile Income Tax levels remain the same.

British ISA Unveiled

A new ISA, providing savers with an additional £5,000 allowance on top of the existing £20,000 annual allowance is to be created. Although no start date has been revealed, the money invested through this vehicle will be directed exclusively to British businesses. A British Savings Bond was also confirmed, however at this time, no details of interest rates have been released.


In a clampdown on holiday let owners, tax breaks for purchases such as furniture will be removed, and the ability to treat mortgage interest as an allowable expense will cease. While the higher rate of property capital gains tax is to be cut from 28% to 24% benefiting people who sell a property that’s not their main residence.

Defined Contribution Pension Changes

Moving forward, UK Defined Contribution, and local authority pension schemes will have to disclose the percentage they invest in UK equities.

As always, if you have any questions around the Budget or your investments in general, please contact your adviser to arrange a call at a time that suits you best.

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